
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Journey

“And we need to share our story. Not with everyone but with someone. There is someone who is like you were. And he or she needs to know what God can do. Your honest portrayal of your past may be the courage for another’s future.” - Max Lucado
I borrowed this from a friend's facebook status. I absolutely love it. I couldnt agree more with this statement.
 I think that is part of the reason why we go through things to help others that may be going through something similar and possibly encourage them and let them know that there is hope and that they are not alone, that someone else has been through it too. I believe that God has given each one of us a story to share with the world ♥ I know that my experiences with Gastroparesis and all of my health issues I can either do two things with: keep them to myself or share them with others. I chose to share my journey with other people because you never know who it is going to help.

Whatever you are going through, there is a purpose behind it as hard as it is I promise that there is a reason. Even in the darkest situations, you can still find some light. 

Here are some links to videos from recently when my mom and I spoke at a womens get together called Chicks Like Us. It is just a small portion of my journey but it gives you a glimpse to what I have gone through. In watching this I hope that it encourages you to know that life is a journey, we all have our ups and downs, our speed bumps, hills, and valleys, but life is a ride and we can make the most out of it and enjoy the ride.

Thanks for watching and reading!!

Keep on fighting, stay strong, and don't give up hope!
